Options of mk_prepare_ligand.py#
Input/Output Options#
- -i, --mol <input_molecule_filename>#
The input molecule file, in formats such as MOL2, SDF, etc. This option is required.
- --name_from_prop <property_name>#
Set the molecule name using a specified RDKit or SDF property.
- -o, --out <output_pdbqt_filename>#
Specify the output PDBQT filename. Only compatible with single-molecule input.
- --multimol_outdir <output_directory>#
Specify the directory to write PDBQT output files for multi-molecule inputs. Incompatible with -o/–out and -/–.
- --multimol_prefix <prefix>#
Replace the internal molecule name in multi-molecule input with the specified prefix. Incompatible with -o/–out and -/–.
- -z, --multimol_targz#
(Flag) Compress output files into a .tar.gz archive.
- --multimol_targz_size <size>#
Define the number of PDBQT files per .tar.gz archive. Default is 10000.
- -, --#
(Flag) Redirect output to standard output (STDOUT) instead of writing a file. Ignored if -o/–out is specified. Only compatible with single-molecule input.
Molecule Preparation Options#
- -c, --config_file <config_file>#
Configure MoleculePreparation from a JSON file. Command-line arguments will override settings in the file.
- --rigid_macrocycles#
(Flag) Keep macrocycles rigid in their input conformation.
- --macrocycle_allow_A#
(Flag) Allow bond break with atom type A, which will be retyped as carbon (C).
- --keep_chorded_rings#
(Flag) Retain all rings from exhaustive ring perception.
- --keep_equivalent_rings#
(Flag) Retain rings with equivalent sizes and neighboring atoms.
- --min_ring_size <size>#
Define the minimum number of atoms required in a ring for it to be considered for opening.
- -w, --hydrate#
(Flag) Add water molecules to the structure for hydrated docking.
- --merge_these_atom_types <types> [*]#
Specify a list of atom types to merge. The default is “H”.
- -r, --rigidify_bonds_smarts <SMARTS>#
Provide SMARTS patterns to rigidify specific bonds in the molecule.
- -b, --rigidify_bonds_indices <i j>#
Specify the indices of two atoms that define a bond in the SMARTS pattern (starting from 1).
- -a, --flexible_amides#
(Flag) Allow amide bonds to rotate, making them non-planar (not recommended).
- -p, --load_atom_params <JSON_FILENAME>#
Specify SMARTS-based atom typing in JSON format.
- -aa, --add_atom_types <JSON>#
Specify additional atom types to assign in JSON format, with SMARTS patterns and atom type names.
- --double_bond_penalty <penalty>#
Set a penalty value; values greater than 100 prevent breaking double bonds.
- --charge_model <model>#
Choose the charge model: gasteiger, espaloma, or zero. Default is gasteiger; zero sets all charges to zero.
- --bad_charge_ok#
(Flag) Allow NaN and Inf charges in the PDBQT output.
- --add_index_map#
(Flag) Include a map of atom indices from the input to the PDBQT file.
- --remove_smiles#
(Flag) Exclude SMILES from being written as a remark in the PDBQT output.
Reactive Docking Options#
- --reactive_smarts <SMARTS>#
Provide a SMARTS pattern for defining the reactive group.
- --reactive_smarts_idx <index>#
Specify the 1-based index of the reactive atom within the SMARTS pattern provided by –reactive_smarts.
Covalent Docking (Tethered) Options#
- --receptor <filename>#
Specify the receptor file. Supported formats depend on ProDy availability, such as .pdb and .mmcif.
- --rec_residue <residue>#
Specify the residue in the receptor for attachment, e.g., A:LYS:204.
- --tether_smarts <SMARTS>#
Provide a SMARTS pattern defining the ligand atoms used for attachment to the receptor.
- --tether_smarts_indices <IDX IDX>#
Specify the 1-based indices of the two atoms in the SMARTS pattern that will be attached (default: 1 2).